1948 - Air Force Day at Lockheed Air Terminal
Paul E. Wolfe
Crowds attend Air Force Day, hosted at the Lockheed Air Terminal, on September 18, 1948. The Los Angeles Times reported that 50,000 attended the event, which marked the first anniversary of the United States Air Force as a separate branch of the U.S. military. Exhibits of planes and technical equipment were featured, along with a parade of fly-bys of aircraft over the crowd. The sign on the building in the middle ground of the photo reads: “Paul Mantz Air Services Ltd. Charters. Instruction. Storage.” Notes on the back of the photo: “Lockheed – Air Force Day 1948. Received Sep 30 City of Burbank City Manager. Paul E. Wolfe Photography, Charleston 8-2341.”
2627 N Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA 91505
Burbank (Los Angeles County, Calif.)Buildings--CommercialTransportation--AirplanesAirports and TerminalsLockheedHangarsAutomobilesUnited States. Air Force.Bob Hope Airport (Los Angeles County, Calif.)1940s
8 x 10 b&w print
Burbank Public Library, Burbank in Focus Office
City Clerk's Office
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