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City Council Image Collection

1996 - Burbank City Council
Photo of 1996 Burbank City Council taken in Council Chambers in City Hall. Left to right: Ted McConkey, Susan Spanos, Vice Mayor Dave Golonski, Mayor Bill Wiggins, and Bob Kramer. Hugo Ballin’s "The Four Freedoms" can be seen in the background.
1999 - Burbank City Council
Photo of 1999 Burbank City Council taken in Council Chambers in City Hall. Left to right: David Laurell, Vice Mayor Bill Wiggins, Mayor Stacey Murphy, Bob Kramer, and Dave Golonski. Hugo Ballin’s "The Four Freedoms" can be seen in the background.
2000 - Burbank City Council
Photo of 2000 Burbank City Council taken in Council Chambers in City Hall. Left to right: David Laurell, Vice Mayor Stacey Murphy, Mayor Bill Wiggins, Bob Kramer, and Dave Golonski. Hugo Ballin’s "The Four Freedoms" can be seen in the background.
2001 - Burbank City Council
2001 Burbank City Council: Dave Golonski, Stacey Murphy, Mayor Bob Kramer, Marsha Ramos, and David Laurell.
2002 - Burbank City Council
2002 City council from left to right: Jef Vander Borght, Stacey Murphy, David Laurell, Marsha Ramos, and Dave Golonski
2003-2007: Councilman - Jef Vander Borght
Jef Vander Borght served as Mayor from 2005-2006. From notes on photo: “Jef Vander Borght 2003-2007”
2003-2007: Councilman - Todd Campbell
Todd Campbell served as Mayor from 2006-2007. From notes on photo: “Todd Campbell 2003-2007”
2004 - Burbank City Council
Photo of 2004 Burbank City Council taken in Council Chambers in City Hall. Left to right: Dave Golonski, Vice Mayor Jef Vander Borght, Mayor Marsha Ramos,Todd Campbell, and Stacey Murphy. Hugo Ballin’s "The Four Freedoms" can be seen in the background.
2005 - Burbank City Council
Photo of 2005 Burbank City Council taken in Council Chambers in City Hall. Left to right: Dave Golonski, Vice Mayor Todd Campbell, Mayor Jef Vander Borght, Marsha Ramos, and David Gordon. Hugo Ballin’s "The Four Freedoms" can be seen in the background.
2006 - Burbank City Council
Photo of 2006-2007 Burbank City Council taken in Council Chambers in City Hall. Left to right: Dave Golonski, Vice Mayor Marsha Ramos, Mayor Todd Campbell, Jef Vander Borght, and David Gordon. Hugo Ballin’s "The Four Freedoms" can be seen in the background.
2007 - Burbank City Council
Photo of 2007-2008 Burbank City Council taken in Council Chambers in City Hall. Hugo Ballin’s "The Four Freedoms" can be seen in the background. The newly organized city council from left to right: Gary Bric, Dave Golonski, Mayor Marsha Ramos, Anja Reinke, and Dr. David Gordon. From City Council Meeting Minutes: It was moved by Mr. Golonski, seconded by Mr. Bric and carried that "Vice Mayor Ramos be appointed to succeed Mayor Campbell as Mayor of the City of Burbank.” It was moved by Mr. Bric, seconded by Mrs. Reinke and carried that "Mr. Golonski be selected to succeed Vice Mayor Ramos as Vice Mayor of the City of Burbank.”
2007-2011: Councilwoman - Anja Reinke
Anja Reinke was Mayor from 2010-2011 and a member of City Council from 2007-2011.
